
Monday 21 May 2012

           Animals Point of view

                                                                                                  If all the animals were gone will you be happy.So I hope that animals will not be extinct from now. Losing a animal could damage the environment or entire humans. Example if frogs went extinct, more and more insects would be anywhere because frogs eat insects!!!! And the earth was their place to live.But people came in a long long time ago And they started to kill animals for billions of years!!!! Unfortunately animals didn't know what to do.So they just died because  they don't know.But the problem gets worse in the future because people have better ideas to kill those animals.               





How can you Help?

You may be thinking there is nothing you can do to protect endangered species, and that many of them are too distant for you to make any impact. You're wrong!

Here are some things you can do...

  • Donate to a reputable organization whose mission is aimed at protecting these endangered species 
  •  Write to the Prime Minister and express your concerns for these species before its too late!Act Locally! Discover what endangered species may be living close to you and see how you can get involved in helping protect them and their habitat
  • Be aware of how your everyday actions impact the environment and realize there affects on the habitats of all creatures, especially those that are endangered.
  • You can also give a gift in the form of an Adopt a Pet gift!   and…………………………

  • Volunteer, join a group, find out about community projects you can join around the country, start or fund a project,work with threatened species,Protect bush ,freshwater and beaches,learn about working in different habitats, control animal pests and weeds, grow native plants ,attract native animals ....
  • or do what i did in the weekend.....Look through the grocery in the pantry and found out what  contains palm oil. I discovered that twisties has palm oil in it. My family will not buy twisties any more. 
  • Here are the pictures of some other products you might want to stop buying!!!
 by Ashwita 

Sunday 20 May 2012

Tiger Argument

Tiger Argument

Tigers are living breathing things just like you and me,they have families,friends and loved ones. If you had parts of your body that were valuable you wouldn't exactly just throw it away would you?

Poachers are a big problem.

Poachers are killing tigers for there own personal gain.They kill the tigers by shooting,trapping and poisoning them. It is then taken to an underground black market where they sell organs, pelts and bones. These items are highly regarded in eastern medicine claiming that it posses capabilities to heal all sorts of human illnesses.The cost of one tiger coat is about ten thousand dollars. Some poachers are even illegally hunting these these animals.

Forest destruction may also have something to do with the loss of these magnificent

Another problem tigers are facing is forest destruction. There homes are being destroyed for wood to build houses for the growing population of humans.
If a tiger is wondering into another tigers territory its usually a fight to the death,
because of the tigers strong territorial senses it will only allow females to enter
his territory.

Medicinal treatments might sound good for you but its defiantly no good for tigers.

Nearly 80% of the population Relies on medicine from plants and animals.
The tigers holds healing properties that can help with chronic aliment, cure disease
and replenish the bodes essential energy.

Farmers play a big role in the destruction of these creatures.

Tigers are considered pests to farmers and villagers near by. The tiger living on instinct have to eat so they wonder into into villages hoping for food. They destroy crops and try to eat the inhabitants. Since the tiger usually hunts in the forest it has no idea wether we are friend or foe. So when men and women scramble, the tiger lashes out.
I think that if humans intervene any longer by chopping down trees killing for money and misjudging these animals, tigers will definitely die out. We need
to stop, we need to start growing more trees instead of killing old ones thus saving
the tigers.

Thursday 17 May 2012

 Hunters point of view on whales

Hunters should be allowed to hunt whales without interruption from other parties such as green peace.

We work on ships that hunt whales because we can’t find work anywhere else, and if we do quit and not work, we won’t have enough money to feed our families and they would starve and die! My family is living on the edge of starvation only my work can keep them alive.

Nobody owns the whales and where we go hunting it is in international waters. Yet some parties such as green peace climb on board and try to kill us and endanger their lives. We then have to tie them up and when we do, people say we are evil. Everybody can do their own thing in international waters as long as they are not endangering their lives and the lives of others as other people do. Green Peace should change their name.

Some people are saying that people especially Inuit are not allowed to hunt blue whales, but since nobody stands up for them I will. It is cultural that they can hunt blue whales. Not only that but also some people must eat the blue whale as it is also cultural.

We are also helping other fisheries as they fish the fishes that the blue whales eat. Over the years they also have seen more fishes.
People should start seeing that us hunters hunt blue whales not just for sport like other fisherman on T.V., but we do that for a reason. But because of other people we are being seen at a negative point of view. Before you judge us, know us. In addition, the article about us having double pay on this blog is TOTALLY False. Most of us are sad about hunting the whale but we have no choice but to.


Kakapo needs U!!

Diet Kakapos are vegetarians! They have a 
strict rule not to eat any meat. 
They would rather chew on almonds and
 the females in particular like the taste of kumara.
Often the kakapo can be seen quietly 
munching on petals, roots and stems
 of some native plants.

Getting Around The Kakapo has sharp, powerful claws to help it cling to tree branches and run along the forest floor.Thousands of years ago, the kakapo probably could use its wings to fly, rather than to help itself land from jumping, but the process of evolution caused it to put on weight, and instead it became a good walker and climber.

Breeding The male kakapo makes a loud booming noise, which can travel up to five kilometers when mating, to attract females.Kakapos breed from the end of August to the beginning of January.Once they have build a nest with their mate and their mate has laid eggs, they walk away and find another mate, leaving the female to do all the work .

Behaviour Kakapos have a weird habit when enemies approach; they stand completely still, like a statue, hoping to blend in with their surroundings.It takes a long time for a Kakapo to get tired, some of the birds can move a couple of kilometers each night. The Kakapo has even been known to go from the shore of a beach all the way up to high mountains with only a few stops every 24 hours.Kakapos used to live on all three islands, the South Island, the North Island and Stewart Island. But now, all the Kakapo that are left live on Codfish Island so that they can be protected.The kakapos used to live in lots different climates and places. Some of the places include tussock, scrub lands, places close to the sea and among forests.The kakapo also lived in forests that had trees such as Rimu, Matai , Kahikatea , Totara, Beeches, Tawa and Rata.

 Kakapos are critically endangered!!!There are only 122 living birds are known!!We’ve got to help kakapos!! U can make a difference to Kakapo!!!    

A cartoon version of kakapo!!



Endangered Kakapo!!


For more info visit:

Remember to COMMENT!

Do you think we should help save the kakapo????


Wednesday 16 May 2012

Blue whales

Blue whales!!!

The Blue Whale is in deep trouble especially with around 100 left in the world.
The blue Whale is killed for its meat. You see the strange thing here in my perspective is that since the blue whale is a delicacy especially in Japan and Norway and that there is so few left. All the rich people there might say “hmmm. Since Blue Whale is sooooo rare, I think I will have it for a snack. Therefore, they pay the hunters to kill the near extinct Blue Whales. However, that is not it! The Blue Whale is hunted for medicine! Therefore, do you know what that equals for the hunters…. Double Pay for them!

Hunters: Double Pay!! Whoopi!!

Whales: Unavailable to comment.

My opinion is that people accept the Inuit should not allowed to hunt whales. I wonder how they would feel if Giant Whales came and used harpoons to shoot them.

Lastly, please comment and give your views as we will need as many views as possible and please go to: and check the website.

P.S. Try out the competition.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Save the tiger


Tigers are an endangered species.Their natural habitat may soon disappear. Saving the tiger is a test. If we pass, we get to keep them.

The reasons why tigers are endangered are because that people hunt them for their fur so they can sell it for a high price.

If you want to help saving the tigers but don`t know how here is some tips.

1.Don't buy tiger products like tiger fur or tiger teeth because people kill tigers to sell these products.
2.Help protect the environment,By not cutting trees down in the forests and when we see people cutting trees in the forest .we should stop them.So tigers can have a better live.
3.Go and donate money to those tigers so they can help those injured tigers.

Some people want to kill the tigers because...

Some people like the tiger fur coat they think it looks cool and keeps them warm it the winter.
other people think were wasting to much time on saving the tiger.
what do you think??????


But wait if tigers are gone then it's gone!!!

here is a video on the tiger