
Tuesday 8 May 2012

Maui dolphins


                                         Maui's dolphin killed by fishing net

Facts about Maui's dolphin

Why so special?
Maui's dolphins are the world's smallest dolphin and is found only on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand and nowhere else in the world. It is New Zealand's rarest dolphin.

The dolphin is listed internationally as 'critically endangered', which means there is a high risk of it becoming extinct in the near future.

"The Greens are calling on the Government to take urgent action to protect critically endangered Maui's dolphins after a new study found there are only 55 adult animals remaining.

The Government has  called for public submissions on its plans to further protect the dolphins.

Conservation Minister Kate Wilkinson said action was needed after a population assessment commissioned by the Department of Conservation showed the number of adult dolphins had fallen in the past six years to just 55.
Fairfax NZ News

Despite the Maui dolphin’s precarious status, the government continues to allow dolphin-killing net fishing and is considering granting seabed mining licenses in their only habitat."

Why save endangered animals from extinction?
What do you think ?
By: Ashwita.k



  1. There seems to be a significant need to protect endangered animals and my question is, why? I mean, whats the point? If the animals are near extinction, they have little effect on the ecosystem and are thus of very little use to us. Further more, we are wasting a lot of resources and money in the process of protecting these animals. MS T..

  2. We are the ones who are making them go extinct. we should definitely be trying to help them make a come back. When an animal becomes extinct, it can never again be admired and appreciated by humans. Nearly every city in the world has a zoo which attracts millions of people every year. Also, animals are often used in research to help find cures for human diseases. Animals are also used for work and for pleasure. Ashwita

  3. BBI STUDENT!!9 May 2012 at 00:42

    Hi i think projects right we should help the maui dolphins,their the only dolphins that we have in NZ they mean alot to us i think the goverment should stop fishing nets to be used why can't fishers just use fishing rods if their are not alot of fish then get more people lets all make a difference !!!! Who's WITH ME !!!!

    1. B.O.S student9 May 2012 at 00:55

      I go with you we all should make a difference to help the Maui dolphins because they are the smalest dolphins in the world and we should do9 somthing because their only 103 left in the world. That video bar gave me great info!!!

  4. PDS Student Tawanda13 May 2012 at 17:52

    Yes we should because endangered animals are very precious and we cannot let them just go extinct.Personally I think the government is not trying hard enough to save these poor animals ,they should be making a lot of changes.

  5. PDS Student= Mana13 May 2012 at 17:55

    i think its a waste of money , because money can be spend on education and food supplies for the homeless. so yeah!

  6. pauline panmure district school13 May 2012 at 18:05

    I strongly agree that we should save endangered animals from extinction because they are living animals we should protect them and not harm them.If you are animal lovers help to protect and not to kill thanks.

  7. I agree that we should save the endangered animals because they should they are sea creatures and we should also let them be free where ever they go.

  8. Human beings have been responsible in causing the extinction of animals by over fishing, over consumption and destroying their natural habitats.
    People should make their voices heard to their goverment to take actions in saving the animals from going extinct.

  9. I definitely agree that we should save endangered animals because they are living animals ....... Help us to stop animal haters.....

  10. I think were spending to much time on saving the EA

  11. i think we SHOULD save the maui dolphin!! who agrees with me??
