
Thursday 17 May 2012


Kakapo needs U!!

Diet Kakapos are vegetarians! They have a 
strict rule not to eat any meat. 
They would rather chew on almonds and
 the females in particular like the taste of kumara.
Often the kakapo can be seen quietly 
munching on petals, roots and stems
 of some native plants.

Getting Around The Kakapo has sharp, powerful claws to help it cling to tree branches and run along the forest floor.Thousands of years ago, the kakapo probably could use its wings to fly, rather than to help itself land from jumping, but the process of evolution caused it to put on weight, and instead it became a good walker and climber.

Breeding The male kakapo makes a loud booming noise, which can travel up to five kilometers when mating, to attract females.Kakapos breed from the end of August to the beginning of January.Once they have build a nest with their mate and their mate has laid eggs, they walk away and find another mate, leaving the female to do all the work .

Behaviour Kakapos have a weird habit when enemies approach; they stand completely still, like a statue, hoping to blend in with their surroundings.It takes a long time for a Kakapo to get tired, some of the birds can move a couple of kilometers each night. The Kakapo has even been known to go from the shore of a beach all the way up to high mountains with only a few stops every 24 hours.Kakapos used to live on all three islands, the South Island, the North Island and Stewart Island. But now, all the Kakapo that are left live on Codfish Island so that they can be protected.The kakapos used to live in lots different climates and places. Some of the places include tussock, scrub lands, places close to the sea and among forests.The kakapo also lived in forests that had trees such as Rimu, Matai , Kahikatea , Totara, Beeches, Tawa and Rata.

 Kakapos are critically endangered!!!There are only 122 living birds are known!!We’ve got to help kakapos!! U can make a difference to Kakapo!!!    

A cartoon version of kakapo!!



Endangered Kakapo!!


For more info visit:

Remember to COMMENT!

Do you think we should help save the kakapo????



  1. Kakapos are really interesting. I read a interesting article one day and it said that kakapos ate lead from humans houses and got dangerously high levels of lead in them. The writer says that one kakapo had so high a lead level that it stayed out in full day light dancing crazily ( not normal behaviour ).




    GREAT PAGE !!!!!!
